Where Quality Care and Elite Technology Meets the Eye.



The phoroptor is a longstanding classic in the eye doctor's office. While it hasn't been changed in decades. The new wave of digital phoroptors addresses that. Having a digital phoroptor allows us to easily perform an accurate refraction down to the degree and also allows us to do comparisons to make sure that when you leave, you are leaving with an improvement. 


This image allows us to examine the retina without dilation and gives us a ultra wide view of all the interior structures. This instrument effortlessly creates a permanent record of the patient’s retina without any side effects to the patient. This is important to be able assess the eye health and for early disease detection. 



Every eye is created different and not all generic lenses will work for your eyes. We offer the fitting of specialty contact lenses for those patients who have previously been unsuccessful in contact lenses due to eye conditions such as keratoconus, pellucid marginal degeneration, post corneal transplant, dry eye, and many others. This gives us the opportunity to offer more options and more complete care to the people trusting us with their eyes.


Whether you have a piece of metal stuck in your eye, want to check on the status of your cataracts, or are doing your yearly diabetic eye exam, we have worked hard to equip our office with the latest technology to be able to handle your medical eye needs. While there will be many overlapping tests from a routine eye exam, there are typically additional steps taken in order to perform a medical eye exam and the underlying condition will dictate the steps we take.


Dry eye is one of the most common eye conditions and one of the most frustrating for patient's as it is quite often very difficult to treat. Our dry eye approach is centered on determining the underlying cause of your dry eye and tailoring a treatment plan for your specific dry eye requirements. Whether it is something as simple as drops or something more involved such as placing a water chamber contact lens on the eye, we will do our best to have you feeling more comfortable.


Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in the US. Glaucoma occurs when the pressure inside of your eye is too high for that eye to function normally. It causes slow damage to the optic nerve and causes a slow irreversible vision loss. It is important to catch glaucoma as early as possible to initiate therapy and minimize vision loss. Therapies include topical drops, laser and micro invasive procedures. Every patient is screened for glaucoma at every exam and if needed, will be further tested if there are any risk factors present. 


Nearsightedness (Myopia) is becoming an epidemic and expected to increase over the coming years. By 2050, 50% of the worlds population is expected to be nearsighted. High myopia causes structural changes in the eye that increase the risk of developing certain diseases including retinal breaks, glaucoma,  myopia macular degeneration, and cataracts.  Aside from the day to day inconvenience of being highly myopic, it is important to address the underlying condition to avoid these problematic diseases. We are fortunate to now have tools available to combat this problem in the form of FDA approved contact lens treatments, eye drop therapy, and special spectacle correction.  Each method has different results with some slowing progression by an average of 59%. Each child's therapy is tailored to their individual needs and lifestyle to maximize success. 


If you have a prescription, you've probably thought about LASIK at some point. If you've ever looked into LASIK, you probably have seen that the process can seem overwhelming.  That's why we are here to help guide you through the process.  LASIK in its simplest form is essentially reshaping the cornea to remove your need for glasses/contacts. While LASIK has become a catch all phrase for corrective surgery, there are many options that may be available depending on the measurements of your eye, lifestyle, and goals. We are here to guide you and manage with the surgical team to optimize your outcome. 


The eye is a remarkable organ and extremely resilient in many ways. It is however, sensitive to certain medications and if gone unchecked, certain medications are known to have toxic effects on the eye and visual system. If you have been started on "high risk" medications that can affect the eye, the chances are good that your rheumatologist or prescribing physician has recommended a baseline eye exam to make sure the medications do not cause harm. High risk medication exams consist of monitoring your retina and optic nerve with in-depth analysis in order to detect subtle changes before it has a chance to impact your vision. 


Have you ever wondered why your primary care doctor or endocrinologist keeps asking if you've had an eye exam? 

The eye is the only place in the body where we can see blood vessels non-invasively. Because of the ability, we are able to see if there is any damage to the blood vessels inside the eye with a dilation or retinal image. If we also take into account that  diabetes is  a systemic condition affecting the whole body, we can often get an idea of what is happening with the rest of the body. When you get a diabetic eye exam, we look for any signs of damage and relay the findings to your managing physician so they can better take care of you.



 At Texas Elite Eye Care your eyeglass prescription is ALWAYS included with your eye health exams. However, if you're debating if it is time to start wearing contacts you can schedule an appointment with Dr. Sidra to see if contacts are right for you. We offer same day appointments.


MiBo Thermoflow

MiBo Thermoflo is an advanced dry eye therapy targeting one of the main causes of dry eye disease - meibomian gland disfunction (or MGD). The meibomian glands are crucial in preventing quick evaporation of our tears. When MGD is present, our eyes will produce tears but they will not remain on the surface for long. This causes burning, watering (to combat quick evaporation), fluctuating vision, pain, light sensitivity, and other symptoms. MiBo Thermoflo gently heats up and melts the clogged oils in our glands to restore a healthy surface. It is important to address this issue before the glands become damaged to the point of dying off, especially as these glands are less activated during screen time (and we're all seeing more screen time). The goal of MiBo Thermoflo is to restore natural function of our tear system and prevent irreversible damage rather than rely on over the counter drops. 

NuLids Treatment

NuLids in an in-office treatment that combines modern technology with a handheld device, offering a gentle and quick way to exfoliate and cleanse the biofilm and crust from the lashes and eyelid margins. This handheld device is a deep cleaning tool that removes excess bacteria, biofilm, and bacterial exotoxins quickly with minimal discomfort.

Amniotic Membrane Treatment

We offer two types of amniotic membranes, Prokera Cryo preserved, and iPatch dehydrated. The amniotic membrane, derived from the placenta, is used in ophthalmology for its anti-inflammatory, anti-scarring, and pain-relieving properties, aiding in the treatment of conditions like severe dry-eyes, corneal ulcers, and post-surgical healing. It acts as a biological bandage promoting faster recovery with less discomfort, and is particularly useful in ocular surface reconstruction, reducing inflammation and preventing complications like excessive scarring or symblepharon.